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Becoming More Effective At Work And Away To Improve Work/Life Balance – 1 Day 



Program Objective: To provide participants with tools, tips and processes that can improve work/life balance to help achieve professional and personal goals sooner while reducing hours/week worked.

Upon conclusion of this program, participants should be able to better understand:


  • What drives motivation and individual performance

  • The 9 stages of individual motivation and ways to sustain strong performance

  • How to maximize personal productivity using 6 helpful tips to improve work time management

  • How to make better decisions using 5 practical rules so that your choices don’t come back to haunt you

  • DiSC® personal behavioral style and how to improve communication with others

  • The importance of having personal goals to pursue along with professional goals

  • The importance of quality personal time, why empowering direct reports can help improve it, and helpful tips to maximize it

  • How to write a Personal Mission Statement that can help be a compass in achieving personal and professional goals, especially when life’s curve balls hit

Program Overview:  Personal leadership is all about taking full responsibility for all aspects of your life. It requires making decisions and providing the needed effort to go in the direction that you want so that you can live a more fulfilling life balancing your work and personal responsibilities and goals. In this world, Monday’s are looked forward to just as much Friday’s, yet for different reasons.

It takes a lot of effort to juggle everything, doesn’t it?! Earning income to cover things like debt, raising children, 401(k)’s, and vacations is important, yet so too is finding time to rest, relax, recharge, and reset. To get what you want out of life takes focus, effort, and courage. What we do at work affects our home life and vice-versa. With all of life’s pressures, how can you improve the quality of your work life and reduce stress so it can help improve the quality of your personal life? We think we can help.

We have lived everything that we teach in this program. It is 100% built from experience that we gained from trial and error, as well as observing best practices of those we worked with, or reported to, in order to better navigate life’s journey. Like everyone else, we have had plenty of life’s curve balls hit us. This program encapsulates many “Ooh…I wish someone would have told me/shown me this years ago” moments.   

What we often learned the hard way will hopefully help participants in this workshop get more of what they want out of life sooner versus later.

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