Our team newsletter format was recognized as a best-practice at two Fortune® 100 companies and has proven itself to be very popular because it:
is dedicated to a specific team to help them get better at what they do
is written in an engaging style
focuses on sharing best practices, reinforcing training, providing competitive alerts, and recognizes outstanding performance
helps create a culture where Managers regularly “catch people doing something right” -Ken Blanchard’s request in his best-selling book The One Minute Manager
enables geographically dispersed teams to stay and feel connected
We have seen the great reaction when Sales Professionals were recognized in their newsletter unbeknownst to them. We have also seen the reaction when a Group President realized a best practice featured was not being embraced across his organization. In both cases, the result was accelerated performance.
​We have a proven formula to write, edit, format, and publish a dedicated team newsletter that can have a positive big impact with your team. Sales is our specialty yet our format can help ignite and inspire higher levels of performance for any team. Our newsletter can be a low-cost way to keep geographically diverse Sales teams connected and motivated to accelerate performance.