Program Objective: To deliver a productive, insightful, and informative 360 review experience with a roadmap of actionable steps leaders can take to improve their effectiveness.
Program Overview: Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders isn't just any 360. It’s a dynamic 360-degree feedback tool plus 3 personalized strategies for leaders to put into action immediately—a 360 + 3!
Before we ever became an Everything DiSC® authorized and certified partner, we shared with clients the need to do a DiSC® assessment before having a 360 review done. Why?
Two reasons based on our exposure to DiSC® in our prior professional careers working for large organizations:
Where prior assessments like Meyers-Briggs gave a personality assessment, DiSC® was the first time we had an accurate workplace behavioral assessment with clear recommendations on improving effectiveness in strengthening internal relationships
When we compared the results of our 360 to our DiSC® assessment completed at least 3 years prior, comments from 360 participants mirrored what our DiSC® assessment highlighted as “watch outs”…a very powerful motivator to exert more effort in making needed communication adjustments!
Our 363 isn’t a collection of dry spreadsheets and charts without any explanation or story. This is a full-loop communication tool that reimagines the power of 360 feedback. The richness of Everything DiSC® comes together with the research-based Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership framework to help any leader—emerging high-potentials and experienced executives alike—incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan to increase their effectiveness in a leadership role.
Participants will:
Understand how others see the participant as a leader, how their own self-ratings compare, and recognize areas of discrepancy in need of address
Identify which of the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership, and the three behavioral practices underlying each approach, are personal strengths and which ones would benefit from further development
Learn three personalized strategies for becoming a more effective leader based on specific rater feedback
To maximize leadership development, our experienced Everything DiSC® certified coach will spend 1:1 time with each participant to maximize the return-on-investment made for your organization. We can also bundle a 363 with DiSC® team mapping to maximize 1:1 coaching time. To learn more, please review Our DiSC® Analysis Services.