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Program Objectives: 1) To provide 1:1 coaching in speech writing, rehearsal, and delivery to maximize your impact 2) To deliver high impact keynote speeches in our specialties 

Program Overview: 
As many surveys over the years have shown, public speaking is a common fear for many adults. Like it or not, you may have to get up in front of your team or company at an upcoming meeting…and you can do great! Even professional public speakers and entertainers get butterflies before going on stage. Preparation is the cure! 

We have written, as well as delivered, many speeches that have received great reviews. We know what it takes to write, rehearse, and deliver a great speech. We can:

1) Help you craft and deliver a great speech so that you “Wow” your team

2) Deliver high impact, customized speeches and workshops based on any of our specialties noted in our “Customized Training Topics” section

If you need help in writing your speech, developing your PowerPoint, or coaching you on your delivery, our tips could help make your next speech the most impactful yet! If you have an interest in one of our specialties we can work with you to craft and deliver a customized speech to maximize effect at an upcoming meeting or conference.

We look forward to working with you to make your next big meeting or workshop a positive and memorable learning experience!

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