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Strategic Plan = going in the right direction. How well is your compass set?


​Some teams and organizations spend most of their planning time trying to determine the numbers for next year. We have even seen it where an organization updates their goals in an Excel spreadsheet and says “here is the plan.” If only it was that easy.


​While the goals are the “Where,” the equally important “How” and “What” needed to get there can be overlooked by organizations of any size. If you want more discipline in strategic planning, call us. We can help tighten this process for you!


A strong pre-requisite for building a solid strategic plan is a strong business analysis. As noted in our Business Analysis section, we can help you there too. To help you build strong business plans, we have a proven:


  • Cross-functional, disciplined team planning process to ensure alignment across your organization

  • 3-tier prioritization and business acceleration pyramid that helps easily prioritize what your annual and long-term plans should be to drive growth from a "macro" level

  • Aligned to our 3-tier pyramid is a detailed 12-step business building/rebuilding process that brings the "micro" perspective. We can help pinpoint and prioritize where bottlenecks to growth may be and/or where investments need to be made. ​


And what about your people!? Your people drive your business! Every strong business plan needs a strong “People” plan. Part of building a strong people plan includes our Maximizing Team Strength analysis.


We can help you build a solid personnel strategy and training plan aligned to the current and future needs of your business. The right plan = the right people in the right positions with the right skill set and right attitude supported with a strong learning plan by team and individual to maximize results.

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